To protect your confidential information, we recommend sending your portal files through Sharefile. With this method, the recipient receives an email message containing a secure link to download the file.
- Login to your account, go to Shared Folders and locate the file.
- Right-click the file and choose the Share option,

or click on the document and select Share listed above.

or Open the file and choose a Share option

Email link to recipient:
- Select “Get a link”
- Copy and paste the link in an email to the recipient.
- When the recipient click the link, a new window will open and they will be able to view and download the file.
Send an encrypted email:
- Enter the Recipient email address for your message.
- Enter a Subject for your message. You may enter additional text in the Body of your message if needed.
- Edit Message Options allows you to customize the following:
- Send me a copy of this email – Receive a copy of the email message
- Email me when files are accessed – Receive a notification email when the file is Viewed or Downloaded
- Encrypt message – This feature is only available to users with Encrypted Email enabled.
- Require recipients to log in – Require that recipients log in with their ShareFile account. If your recipient is not already a user on your account, they will be required to create a username and password before accessing the file.
- Access expires – Set how long you want the download link to be accessible. If sending a file stored on your computer, this will default to the 3 year period from the documents upload date. If you wish to set an expiration date after sending, plesae go to Sent Messages in the Inbox located on the Dashboard on your account and update expiration date.
- Accesses per user – Limit the number of views or downloads
- Always link to the latest version of the file – This feature is only available to users with File Versioning enabled.
- Remember subject and custom message for next time – Save the subject and custom message so that it will be preset the next time you send a file.
- Add More allows you to select additional files to include with your message.
- If sending files stored on your computer, a copy of the file will automatically be uploaded to your File Box.
- If adding from ShareFile, use the folder tree menu to select which files to add.
- Click Send when ready. You will receive confirmation that the message was sent successfully. If sending files stored on your computer, the file will not send until the file is uploaded to your File Box. Please do not exit the menu until the success message is shown.
The recipient will receive an email from “” on behalf of the the ShareFile user that sent the message. Your recipient can then click the provided link to access the files.